I had to go all the way back to NY to find the basket I want to buy to hold the multiple bags of coffee beans we use for our morning french roast coffee in Joburg! Seriously, we have been looking for just the right size and shape basket to put on our kitchen counter.
We've been describing it to the purveyors at the Bryanston Organic Market, the Rosebank Craft Market and even the Old Biscuit Mill Neighbourgoods Market in Cape Town. They either do not have any or they look at us like we are nuts. But we found them at the Union Square Market in Manhattan! Proving yet again that you can get anything in NY! Anything!
They are made in Senegal and they most definitely do exist. But rather than spend the $70 only to hand carry one back to Joburg which would be silly,
we will bring pictures instead to show the seagrass lady at Bryanston, our best bet in South Africa to find one. And I am sure they will cost less than $70!
Always the premier shopper.