Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Life imitating art

an ostrich fillet Epiphany feast

Back in the USA we ended our Christmas season on January 5th by celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany or Little Christmas or Twelfth Night. We would cook a big Russian dinner for friends and family and our sons would end the evening by smashing the gingerbread house we had made with them sometime during Advent. Inside the ginger-rubble they would find a final little present from Santa Claus.

Oscar Wilde once said that "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life" and there was some truth in that for this year's Epiphany. 

We made a gingerbread house shaped like a thatched rondavel in Joburg which eerily looked a lot like the one we actually slept in on January 5 in Bhanga Nek. All lop-sided and everything!

 Our Epiphany rondavel. Do not smash!

1 comment:

  1. Is that shredded wheat? You both must have been such a welcome surprise!
