Thursday, April 11, 2013

You're what? Holy cow!?!

Garage Sales and house painters
I was a little unprepared for the reactions we got from people when we told them that we were moving to South Africa. And by people, I mean people who had no real stake in our moving. Not close friends and family but strangers and mere acquaintances. Like I said, even after we made the decision, we really couldn’t tell too many people because there was still a measurable chance that our visas might not be approved. Family and close friends were the exception and we told them immediately. We all needed a lot of time to process the ramifications of our move to the other side of the world. Even if it was still not 100% definite.

But sometimes people guessed or sometimes we told them to avoid a commitment we could not honor once we moved. I sincerely admire my neighbors for their discretion and good manners in not ringing our doorbell and asking what was up even after they saw multiple dumpsters being filled and carted away, the first of two PODS delivered and loaded, and a fleet of painters and handymen working on the house exterior in broad daylight.  That must have taken a lot of restraint. The garage sale proved too much for them however. Face to face with us in our yard, they finally asked if we were moving. “We are divesting ourselves of unnecessary junk,” I replied.

It wasn’t a lie exactly and it was said more to suppress the next tier of inevitable questions, “What is your asking price?” Not sure yet. “My sister’s a realtor. Do you have an agent?” We are using the same agent we used when we bought the house 25 years ago. ”Have you gotten any offers?” We haven’t even listed it yet. “When are you leaving?” Not sure yet.  It depends. “Are you selling any furniture? Can you give me a good deal?” I would be happy to have our estate sale broker call you for a first crack.

And I said it to avoid hearing people’s unsolicited opinions. No one seemed to be without an opinion nor did they wait to see if you wanted to hear it.  The reactions fell into two distinct camps, the "What an Adventure!" camp and the "You are f'n crazy!" camp.

The “What an Adventure!” campers were really supportive. “Wow, good for you!” “That is so exciting! What an Adventure!” “Awesome, I've always wanted to live abroad! Best of luck!” “Well this is right up your alley. You always were a traveler!”  

The “You are f’n crazy!” campers, not so much. “You are f'n crazy!” “You two are f'n crazy!” “Well, you can always come back if it doesn't work out! “ “Wow, do you have to?” “Isn’t it dangerous there?” “Won’t you be unhappy?” “Be careful. You may end up divorced.” “How can you leave your children, your family, your friends?”

Like I have always said, when someone shows you his new "fill-in-the-blank" that he lovingly custom-designed and personally installed, and beaming proudly asks you what you think of it, there is only one answer. “Wow, awesome. Good for you! Mazel Tov.” It doesn’t matter if you really think they are f’n crazy.

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